Sunday, July 10, 2011

Ask Me a Question!

Phyllis Nairn takes questions regarding Special Education Law and District policies and procedures. Phyllis has personally helped many families gain the services that their children are entitled to by careful recommendations and following guidelines laid out by IDEA laws and the Texas Educational Agency. She is available to give parents advice on what steps to take and what forms to use.*

Please Remember:

*All advice given on this site is on a volunteer basis and advocates cannot be held responsible for outcomes of readers' actions, even when seemingly based on advice given through this blog page. Advocates give recommendations based on their knowledge and experiences and cannot be held at fault for outside occurrences. Due to legality we encourage readers to use advice at your own risk.

My Advocate

Phyllis has been my advocate since May 2011 and she has been wonderful.  She always finds time to fit me in her schedule and she goes above and beyond to address my concerns.  She has been a great adviser and has helped me write letters, complete and submit forms, research laws, and just been a great support for our family.  Phyllis strives to teach parents how to successfully advocate for their children and I feel so much more confident in my abilities to advocate for my own children because of her guidance.  Thank you Phyllis :)